Doc. Type:  Report






Description: Survey and Preservation Records of Graves

G2, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 within NENTX



ET certification letter

IEC verification letter







Document History





Prepared by

Approved by



15 October 2022

1st Issue





06 February 2023

2nd Issue



Include the Record of G2


4 September 2023

3rd Issue



In response to EPD-TNG’s comments

Package: Follow up & Content


Document Name

Submitted in Package Rev No.:


Included in this submission

Survey and Preservation Records of Graves

G2, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 within NENTX



Soft/Hard Copy

Survey and Preservation Records of Graves

G2, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 within NENTX



Soft/Hard Copy

Survey and Preservation Records of Graves

G2, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 within NENTX



Soft/Hard Copy




















































1.     Purpose  4

2.     Grave Survey and Preservation Methodology. 5

3.     Site Inspection of Graves. 7

4.     Grave Survey and Preservation Records. 9

5.     Conclusion. 10





Appendix 1 – Graveyard Layout Plan NENTX-VES-DW-GY-001

Appendix 2 – Cartographic Survey Records

Appendix 3 – Photographic Records

Appendix 4 – Human Remains Clearance Record

Appendix 5 – Grave Information Extracted from the EIA Report


1.           Purpose

Veolia Hong Kong Holding Limited was awarded as the main contractor of the Contract of North East New Territories Landfill Extension (Contract No. EP/SP/77/15) with site possession date of 25 Feb 2022.

In accordance with Condition 2.6(b) of the Environmental Permit EP-292/2007 and Condition 2.4(b) of the Further Environmental Permit FEP-02/292/2007 (FEP), Veolia Hong Kong Holding Limited (Veolia) shall no later than four weeks before commencement of construction of the Project, deposit a report documenting the implementation of the following mitigation measures for preservation of the cultural landscape features located within the Project area.  The report shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) as conforming to the information and recommendations contained in the approved EIA Report:

- Preservation by detailed record for graves G2, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 as shown in Figure 2 attached to the FEP.

All the 11 graves as shown in Figure 2 attached to the FEP are marked on the Graveyard Location Plan attached as Appendix 1.  All the 11 graves are located within Portion E4 – within the waste boundary of NENTX Project.


2.           Grave Survey and Preservation Methodology

The relevant survey and preservation requirements specified in Appendix 9.4 of the approved EIA Report (AEIAR-111/2007) and Section 9.5 of the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual was adopted and summarized as below:

a.    Grave inscriptions recording – rubbing of grave inscriptions and rewritten the inscriptions in a tabular format with proper cross-referencing (e.g., item numbers, photos),

b.    Cartographic survey

-       Site plans showing the relative locations of the graves and their associated cultural / fung shui landscape (if any) concerned to 1:100,

-       Plan(s) showing all structural walls and built- fittings to 1:50,

-       Elevation of each face of the graves to 1:50,

-       At least two cross sections through the graves showing the architectural characters of the graves to 1:50;

-       Architectural details including decorations on the “stone head”, spirit stone tablet, chimneys, inscriptions and couplets, plaster decoration and ornamental features, mouldings, brick construction patterns and any other items of historical or conservation interest to scale 1:10 or 1:5;

-       Plan, elevation and cross section of any important fittings within/ surrounding the graves, particularly relating to its ceremonial use, to appropriate scale;

-       Construction details should be noted such as types of brick bonding, joints in granite features, etc, to scale 1:10 or as appropriate;

-       The number of courses of brickwork to each wall should be recorded on the
appropriate drawings;

-       All the plans (apart from details) should have North point.

Drawings should be annotated with descriptions of the building materials used in the construction of the principal elements.

A full set of the cartographic records has to be submitted on or before the date mutually agreed.

c.     Photographic recording

All the photographic recording should be done in both colour slides and negatives.

The following recordings are required:

-       The historic grave, its associated structures and their immediate surrounding environment including important trees, types of paving, and villages concerned etc. Aerial-photos in oblique angles showing the characteristics of the site such as the associated cultural/ fung shui landscape are required.

-       Details of the graves with the following shots:

(a)  Identification picture including the surrounding area;

(b)  General views of the graves from all sides, including the top;

(c)  Oblique view of the graves; and

(d)  Close up of the important details including calligraphy, e.g. decorations on
the stone head, spirit stone tablet, paving, inscriptions and couplets, plaster decoration and ornamented features, mouldings, brick construction patterns, and any other items of historical or conservation interest.

(e)  All the photos (size in 5” x 7”) captioned in both Chinese and English, and easily referenced to their location on key drawings and should be numbered and crossreferenced for easy retrieval and duplication.

(f)   A full set of photographic records should be submitted or before the date mutually agreed for inclusion in the photographic archive.

Format of the detailed survey of graves to be agreed before the
commencement of the recording.


3.           Site Inspection of Graves

We visited the graves as shown on Figure 2 attached to the EP/FEP on 8 July 2022 and 6 January 2023 together with the Independent Consultant (IC) Representative. 10 graves G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 as shown on Figure 2 attached to the EP/FEP were identified on 8 July 2022, except G2 where the grave area is inaccessible at that moment. G2 was visited on 6 January 2023. The preservation by detailed record of the 11 graves shown in Figure 2 of the Eps and stipulated in the EP conditions corresponding to the requirements in accordance to EM&A Manual S9.5 were summarised in Table 3.1. Condition of the graves before site possession was recorded in the EIA report, relevant information extracted as attached in Appendix 5.













Cartographic survey requirements

Site Plans

Attached as Appendix 1

Plans showing structural walls and built in fittings

Not observed

As attached in Appendix 2

Not observed

Elevation of each face

Not observed

As attached in Appendix 2

Not observed

Cross section through the graves showing the architectural characters of the graves

No architectural characters observed

Architectural details

No architectural details observed

Important fittings within the graves

Not observed

Construction details such as types of brick bonding, joints in granite features

No such details observed

The number of courses of brickwork to each wall

No brickwork observed

Not constructed by brickworks

No brickwork observed

North point on all plans


Photographic records requirements

Aerial photos in oblique angles showing the characteristics of the site such as the associated cultural/fung shui landscape

As attached in Appendix 3, 4, 5

Identification picture

As attached in Appendix 3, 4, 5

General views of the grave from all sides

As attached in Appendix 3, 4, 5

Oblique view of the graves

As attached in Appendix 3, 4, 5

Close up of the important details including calligraphy

No calligraphy or inscription observed

Table 3.1 – A Checklist for Preservation by Detailed Record for the 11 Graves under Condition 2.6(b) of EP no. EP-292/2007 & Condition 2.4 of EP no. FEP-02/292/2007


4.           Grave Survey and Preservation Records

All the 11 graves as shown on Figure 2 attached to the EP/FEP were surveyed as below:

-       The graves G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 were surveyed on 14 & 15 October 2022

-       The grave G2 was surveyed on 1 February 2023

The graves survey and preservation records are summarized as below:

a.    Grave inscriptions records – No records as inscription of all the graves were removed (confirmed during the visit on 8 July 2022 and 6 January 2023),

b.    Cartographic survey records – Site plans showing the relative locations of the graves is attached as Appendix 1. Site plans showing the associated cultural / fung shui landscape of all the surveyed graves and structural walls of G8 concerned to 1:100 is attached as Appendix 2.

c.    Photographic records – Photos showing the surrounding area of the grave, general view of the grave and close-up view of the grave are attached as Appendix 3.


Due to the limitation of information from the site inspections, we have requested for information before the Veolia’s site possession from the Employer’s Representative (ER). According to the information from the ER, G2, G5 and G8 were claimed graves, the human remains were cleared by the claimants, while G4, G6, G7, G14, G15, G25, G26 and G27 were unclaimed graves and the human remains were included in the joint human remains clearance works. From the above information, we can conclude that all the human remains in the graves mentioned in the FEP Condition 2.4(b) were cleared and abandoned before Veolia’s site possession. Relevant record is attached as Appendix 4.


The photographic records as shown in Appendix 3 incorporated the site photos taken during the site inspection after Veolia’s site possession, information attached in the EIA report and the information given by the ER.



5.           Conclusion

All 11 graves have been surveyed and recorded in this report in accordance with the requirements as stipulated in the S9.5 of the EM&A Manual and EIA Report Appendix 9.2. All 11 graves were cleaned by either the claimants or the exhumation works hence all 11 graves were abandoned graves since the project commencement. The graves will be removed to suit the landfill profile and the landfill extension construction works.